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Why We Need You

Did you know our community has the highest rate of child poverty in Canada according to the latest census data? In fact, 1 in 7 kids live in poverty across Windsor-Essex, and that rate is as high as 1 in 3 kids in some neighbourhoods.

But here’s the glimmer of hope: every step we take to support local kids in our community is a step towards a path out of poverty and a brighter future. It’s an investment not just in them, but in an economically stronger and more compassionate community.

When we work together, we’re not just providing food, education, and stability. We’re nurturing dreams, igniting potential, and shaping tomorrow’s leaders. We’re showing kids that they don’t have to stay in the cycle of poverty. We’re showing kids that they matter.

Let’s be the change-makers who break the cycle. Together, we can rewrite the story of childhood, turning sorrow into strength and adversity into opportunity. United Way is committed to putting your donations to work in Windsor-Essex county in the most effective way possible, when and where they’re needed most.

Recent Impact Stories

Executive Mentorship Program

The Executive Mentorship Program (EMP) is designed to provide graduates of On Track to Success, who are currently enrolled in post-secondary, with a meaningful and gainful mentorship opportunity over the summer.

A Call to Action: Bridging the Summer Gap

This summer, many local children face the stark reality of hunger and lost learning opportunities. The need for nutritious food and educational resources is increasing in Windsor-Essex. Read on to see how you can make a life-changing difference to a child and their future.

April 4, 2024

Julia’s Journey: From Challenges to Triumphs

On Track To Success is a wrap-around intervention for high school students and their families to help them graduate high school, and go on to college, university or a trade. We’d like to introduce you to one of our On Track To Success graduates – Julia.

Daniel’s Journey: From Struggles to Smiles

Meet Daniel, who struggled at school but found skills for success and happiness at Ignite Academy. His journey not only changed his life but also helped shape the program experience for kids like him with specialized needs.

Impact directly to your inbox

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Annual Report to the Community

Thanks to local residents and donors, United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County is helping kids succeed from Cradle to Career. We released our Annual Impact Report to the Community, highlighting the progress that has been made to help local children overcome barriers to academic success.

Read the Report

How does United Way help improve my community?

When you make a donation to United Way, you are making an investment in your community and giving children, friends, and neighbours help when they need it most. Every dollar of your donation is invested right here in Windsor-Essex County to help children and their families forge a more prosperous future. United Way investments are rigorously measured for effectiveness and efficiency, ensuring that together we are driving the most meaningful results and the biggest possible impact.

What is Cradle to Career?

The Cradle to Career Model wraps supports around children, youth, and their families where they are needed most. The strategy leverages the combined investments of a broad cross-section of community partners through a community collective called ProsperUs.

Our Impact is Your Impact

We have so many inspiring stories of how your donations are changing lives in Windsor-Essex County.

Full List of Impact Stories