The best way to inspire your co-workers to support your workplace campaign is to understand the issues that affect our community and how United Way is helping to address them.
Generosity powers United Way’s work in the community. It allows us to tackle complex, persistent and #UNIGNORABLE issues that are preventing far too many people and families from getting ahead. In Windsor-Essex, just like around the world, thousands of children and youth have been experiencing poverty or are stuck without a path to success.
United Way is creating opportunities for local children and families, and we’re putting your donations to work in the most effective way possible, when and where they’re needed the most. If one act of local love can change a life, many supporters can improve a community and help kids live in all the ways that are important – mental health, physical, social and economic well-being, and creating a community where children and youth can succeed.
Community Leadership
Early in 2020, United Way Windsor-Essex County established the Covid-19 Emergency Relief Fund to meet emerging needs. Over $483,000 was donated to the fund, allowing us to support the most vulnerable in our community during the pandemic. READ THE REPORT
As a trusted partner of the Government of Canada, United Way allocated $1.76 million in Federal funding to charities who were adapting their frontline services to support vulnerable residents during Covid-19.
We love where we live. But local issues like childhood poverty are harming our community. In our busy lives, these local issues can be easy to ignore or go unnoticed. And you can’t solve a problem if you don’t know it exists. We’re working to make this local issue #UNIGNORABLE.
Here’s how your donation is helping to tackle the #UNIGNORABLE issues in our community right now:
Childhood Poverty
WATCH: Learn more about our community’s new Cradle to Career strategy
#UNIGNORABLE Issue: Childhood poverty continues to be one of the most #UNIGNORABLE issues in Windsor-Essex County.
Our Response: Cradle to Career is a strategy that focuses on children and youth from the time they are born until they find a career. A generation from now, we want Windsor-Essex to be a more prosperous community where all children achieve their dreams and reach their potential.
Mental Health
Watch: Matthew’s story and learn how mental health supports made a difference for him during the pandemic.
#UNIGNORABLE Issue: In Canada, only 1 in 5 children who need mental health services receive them. (Source: Canadian Mental Health Assn)
Our Response: We invest in low- to no-cost mental health counselling programs in Windsor-Essex County.
#UNIGNORABLE Issue: 1 in 3 food bank users in Windsor-Essex County are children, and many kids who rely on school meals struggle to get enough to eat during the summer months when school nutrition programs are closed.
Our Response: United Way’s Summer Eats for Kids Program provides a free healthy lunch to kids growing up in low-income families when school is out for the year. Last year, we served kids in more locations and increased the quality of food offered.
In 2021, 3,600 food boxes were distributed at 6 program sites in Downtown Windsor, West Windsor and Leamington
WATCH: On Track 2020 graduate, Leah, receives a life-changing financial award for her post-secondary education.
#UNIGNORABLE Issue: Students from families living in low-income have a 38% likelihood of attending college or university, but students from families living in higher-income have a 63% chance.
Our Response: United Way’s On Track to Success program wraps supports around a family helping youth stay in school, graduate, and successfully transition to adulthood. We’re removing barriers to prosperity with academic and financial support, as well as social and career mentoring.
Last year, 106 students were supported and 72% are attending post-secondary education programs this Fall.
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