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Amy Kwan

Manager, Community Capacity-Building

Amy Kwan

Manager, Community Capacity-Building

Andriana Pitre

Finance Manager

June 16, 2020

On Track to Success Student Awarded Huge Scholarship

VIDEO: Leah, a Grade 12 student, was awarded the Ed Lumley Bursary in the amount of $32,000 – a life changing award for Leah and her family.

August 10, 2021

Empowering Kids for a Brighter Future

United Way provides children with access to out of school programs that give them opportunities to learn and thrive.

August 10, 2021

Empowering Kids for a Brighter Future

United Way provides children with access to out of school programs that give them opportunities to learn and thrive.

August 10, 2021

Empowering Kids for a Brighter Future

United Way provides children with access to out of school programs that give them opportunities to learn and thrive.

June 5, 2018

Learning in Leamington

VIDEO: Newcomer families in Leamington are benefiting from the SPARK after-school program.

April 30, 2021

Helping children stay inspired and learning

Providing virtual out of school support ensures that students don’t fall further behind their peers in school.

April 30, 2021

Helping children stay inspired and learning

Providing virtual out of school support ensures that students don’t fall further behind their peers in school.


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CTA with an Image

Learning in Leamington

CTA with an Image


High School Graduation

Paving the Way to Post-Secondary

Learn more

High School Graduation

Paving the Way to Post-Secondary

Learn more


Emerging Philanthropists UNevent

Learn more

This is a heading for the story block

This content for the story block

This is a story

This is a test

Another test

This is a link

This content for the story block

This is some stat example text

Test form