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April 4, 2023

Release: Cradle to Career gets boost from Caesars Windsor Cares

Caesars Windsor Cares is providing a corporate gift of $20,000 to support this important program. Parents and caregivers play a critical role in their child’s educational journey towards graduation and a successful future. Caesars Windsor Cares recognizes the importance of providing supports to parents and caregivers as they help their children navigate and pursue their education.

March 23, 2023

Release: Ford Windsor Operations, UNIFOR Locals 200 & 240, business partners raise $500,907 in support of United Way Windsor-Essex County

Ford Windsor Operations, Unifor Local 200 and Local 240, Leadec Industrial Services and Penske Logistics are proud to announce a $500,907 donation to United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County as part of its annual fundraising efforts in support of local children and youth.