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  • United Way launches annual summer programs across Windsor-Essex County – Summer Eats for Kids & Backpacks for Success

United Way launches annual summer programs across Windsor-Essex County – Summer Eats for Kids & Backpacks for Success

Media Release

June 20, 2023

Windsor, ON – United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County launches their annual summer programs fundraising campaign this month. United Way’s Summer Programs include two innovative strategies that support children throughout the summer months and help prepare them for their upcoming school year.

United Way is asking for community support to raise $185,000 for Summer Programs. United Way’s Women United group is also collecting 3,000 new and gently used books to hand out through these programs.

“The goal of our summer programs is to help families have access to nutritious food during the summer months and to provide the supplies kids will need to succeed in their next school year,” says Lorraine Goddard, CEO of United Way “Demand for our summer food program nearly doubled last year. With the help of our generous donors, we hope to increase the amount raised for this year as the need continues to grow.”

Summer Eats for Kids – Summer Eats for Kids provides children and families living in low-income with nutritious food during the summer months when school nutrition programs are closed. In Windsor-Essex, 1 in 3 food bank users are children. Our goal is to provide 3,500 bags of food and 8,250 lunches to children and families in our community this summer. For just $25 you can support a family with a week’s worth of nutritious fruits, vegetables and snacks. To donate to the program or host a fundraiser visit

Backpacks for Success – Our goal is to provide 2,000 students in need in kindergarten through grade 12 throughout Windsor-Essex County with backpacks filled with grade-appropriate supplies they need for school. Providing kids with back-to-school supplies increases classroom participation, attendance and student morale. For just $25, donors can support one backpack filled with school supplies at


Summer Eats for Kids runs July 11 to August 24, 2023 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the following locations:

Prince Edward
General Brock
Queen Elizabeth (Leamington)
West Gate Public School
Dougall Ave. Public School
Frank W. Begley Public School

Backpacks for Success will be collecting school supplies and book donations throughout the summer at the United Way office at 300 Giles Blvd. E, Unit A1 on Mondays from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Fridays from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. between July 8 and August 12, 2023 or by contacting Susan Merryfield at United Way at 519-259-6177 to arrange an alternate drop off time. Donations of lined paper, coloured pencils, binders, backpacks and scientific calculators are welcome. Only new backpacks and school supplies will be accepted. Both new and gently used books are welcomed.

Backpacks will be distributed to students through United Way and other local community programs this year.

Media Contact: 

Dina Misur, Acting Vice President, Brand Experience   |   W: 519-259-6190   |   M :519-567-8735

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Last updated on March 28, 2024

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