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United Way celebrates 75th anniversary with 75-hour campaign to raise funds for Ignite Academy

November 29, 2022

Windsor, ON – United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County has been supporting our local community for 75 years. To celebrate this incredible milestone, they are taking the opportunity to raise funds to help local kids. Starting today on Giving Tuesday, and for the next 75 hours, United Way will be spreading the message about Ignite Academy, a new out-of-school program that will support local kids from Grades 2 to 7 to help them succeed academically, while wrapping other supports around the kids and their families.  

Anniversaries are a great time to look back on all that has been accomplished, but they are also the best time to look forward to the future. “Throughout the last 75 years, we have had the privilege of supporting the most vulnerable people in our community with the generous support of our donors”, says Lorraine Goddard, United Way CEO “Looking forward we want to create a resilient, strong local community for generations to come. One of the ways we will do this, along with our partners, is through Ignite Academy, which is part of the community’s Cradle to Career strategy.”

Right now, in our community, there are 4000 children living in poverty. In some neighbourhoods, such as West Windsor, Downtown Windsor and Leamington, that number is as high as 1 in 3 children living in poverty. This situation makes it extremely hard for many children to keep up with their peers academically.

Data shows that 36% of children in these neighbourhoods are behind in reading and writing, and 58% are behind in math. There are big hurdles the kids have to overcome, like hunger, mental health issues, lack of necessary school supplies, limited help with schoolwork and unreliable transportation options.

Ignite Academy was built to directly impact these startling statistics and United Way is one of 40+ ProsperUs partners delivering and facilitating the program. Thanks to many generous donors, Ignite Academy launched in September with 360 kids across 6 schools throughout West Windsor, Downtown Windsor and Leamington. Ignite offers out-of-school programming to help kids improve their math and literacy skills, improve attendance and participation, and build their self-esteem.

“The people of Windsor-Essex County have always been so generous when it comes to helping kids in need”, says Lorraine, “We would love for them to learn more about how important Ignite is and donate to the program to help local kids reach their full potential.”

United Way’s goal is not only to raise funds to support Ignite Academy right now, but also to gather the resources necessary to expand into more schools, helping more kids and families across the community in the future. But to get there they need the Windsor-Essex County community to rally around the local children who really need our help and donate to Ignite.

Please help us spread the word for the next 75 hours about this incredible program and campaign. Help create a brighter future for local kids today. Donating to support Ignite Academy can be done simply and easily through the website at or by calling United Way at 519-259-6147.

Media Contact:  Dina Misur, Marketing & Communications Manager  |  W: 519-259-6190  |  C :519-567-8735

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Show Your Local Love | Support Kids from Cradle to Career

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