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  • 3rd Annual Virtual iMove for United Way to raise funds for local kids in Ignite Academy

3rd Annual Virtual iMove for United Way to raise funds for local kids in Ignite Academy

February 15, 2023

Media Release

Windsor, ON – United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County wants the community to get up, get moving, and challenge themselves to be physically active as part of the third annual virtual fundraiser, called iMove for United Way presented by St. Clair College and St. Clair College Alumni Association, focused on raising much needed funds for Ignite Academy. Registration is open NOW and the event starts Monday, February 20, 2023.

This event is accessible to everyone. You can run, walk your dog, play a pick-up wheelchair basketball game, practice your yoga moves on a mat or in a chair, or dance in your living room. Activities can be done solo or with family or friends. The goal is to get moving for 200 minutes over 14 days. iMove for United Way participants can connect through a virtual platform that can be used for fitness tracking and fundraising. Follow along on social media (@UnitedWayWE) with the hashtag #iMove23.

“iMove is the perfect opportunity to get up, get moving and start a new healthy routine as we put the winter months behind us,” says Lorraine Goddard, CEO of United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County, “And most importantly, the funds raised through this event will help local kids through Ignite Academy, a new program that is a game-changer for families.”

Despite the excellent educational support local kids receive while in school, there are big hurdles that many children have to overcome outside of school, like hunger, mental health issues, lack of necessary school supplies, limited help with schoolwork and unreliable transportation options. Barriers beyond their control make it extremely difficult for many children to keep up with their peers academically. Data shows that in some neighbourhoods 36% of children are behind in reading and writing, and 58% are behind in math.

Ignite Academy was built to directly impact these startling statistics and United Way is one of 40+ ProsperUs partners delivering and facilitating the program. Thanks to many generous donors, Ignite Academy launched in September and aims to scale up to support 360 kids across 6 schools throughout West Windsor, Downtown Windsor and Leamington. Ignite offers out-of-school programming to help kids improve their math and literacy skills, improve attendance and participation, and build their self-esteem.

Registration is now open at To participate, make a minimum donation – $25 for adults, $2 for elementary and high school students, $10 for post-secondary students. Everyone is encouraged to fundraise more than the minimum and reach out and challenge others once they’re registered. There are also great prizes to be one at various fundraising levels. Event pledges can be collected until March 5, 2023. The goal is to raise $40,000 to support local kids through Ignite Academy.

iMove’s goal is to not only raise funds to support Ignite Academy right now, but also to gather the resources necessary to expand into more schools, helping more kids and families across the community in the future. But to get there they need the Windsor-Essex County community to rally around the local children who really need our help and get moving.

Media Contact: 

Dina Misur, Marketing & Communications Manager   |   W: 519-259-6190  |   M : 519-567-8735
Twitter @UnitedWayWE   |  Facebook: United Way Windsor-Essex  
Instagram: UnitedWayWE   |   LinkedIn  |

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