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VIDEO: Helping Youth Reach Their Potential

November 2, 2020

Too many young people in Windsor-Essex are struggling. Poverty, hunger, mental illness and a more limited circle of support can have life-long effects on kids. United Way helps children and youth in Windsor-Essex beat the odds, including Brooklyn. 

The transition to high school was tough for Brooklyn. Her family struggled financially. Brooklyn experienced bullying as she entered ninth grade and she fell behind academically.

Brooklyn enrolled in United Way’s On Track to Success program in her grade nine year. Now she’s a graduate of the program and high school. Watch this video to learn more about how On Track to Success helped her overcome both personal and academic challenges.

Supporting youth to graduate high school and attend post-secondary is crucial to helping young people to live prosperous lives. United Way’s On Track to Success programs helps economically disadvantaged youth to stay in school, graduate, and successfully transition to adulthood.

United Way’s On Track to Success program supports 106 youth in West Windsor and Leamington. We are excited to announce that United Way plans to launch a new cohort of On Track to Success in Downtown Windsor next fall.

Last updated on April 1, 2022

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